How To Do The Sumo Deadlift
Adopt a wider stance for a deadlift variation that lessens the load on your lower back FACEBOOK TWITTER PINTEREST NICK HARRIS-FRY 27 SEP 2019 The deadlift is one of the most important exercises in any serious gym-goer’s locker, but it’s also one that can be tough to get to grips with, especially when you’re relatively new to the weights room . Small flaws in your technique can lead to potentially big injuries, particularly to the lower back, and so it’s certainly a move you should be careful with until you know your form is spot-on. So if you are worried about the load on your lower back, the sumo deadlift is a great alternative to try. It’s a simple variation in which you adjust the width of your feet, a change that moves your upper body closer to the ground and so reduces how far you have to lean over to grab the weight. By changing your stance you also shift the focus of the exercise off your hamstrings on to the glutes and hips. Doing deadlift ...